
This summer, five of our group members had the opportunity to share their research at the 2024 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference (SB3C) in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin! 

On Wednesday, June 12th, maternal-fetal medicine fellow and visiting researcher Dr. Tiffany Corlin presented her poster "Adaptation of a Multiscale Model of Heart Growth in Pregnancy for Use in Canines", laying the groundwork to apply our computational model to human subjects. Across the room, our undergraduate researcher and BS-Level Student Paper Competition finalist Oluwatomisin "Tomisin" Ajayi talked about our lab's collaboration with Longfellow Alternative High School in her poster, "Collaborative Pathways: Empowering Pregnant and Parenting Teens Through STEM Engagement". 

The next day, PhD-Level Student Paper Competition finalists Molly Kaissar and Paige Nielsen presented their research. Molly discussed how lactation influences postpartum cardiac recovery during her talk "Investigating the Influence of Lactation on Murine Heart Growth Through Ultrasound and Computational Analysis", placing third in the Platelets and Cardiovascular Biomechanics session. At the same time, Paige shared how reproductive hormones impact cell contractility during her talk "Logic-Based Cell Signaling Model for Predicting Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Contractility During Pregnancy", winning first place in the Tissue Engineering, Development, Mechanobiology, and Other Emerging Topics session.

On Friday, PhD candidate Emily Hoffmann shared her computational model during her talk "The Effects of Growth and Remodeling on the Contractile Function of the Pregnant Murine Uterus" in the Reproductive Biomechanics session, bringing the event to a satisfying close. 

As always, we had a blast at SB3C and look forward to next year's conference! 

PREG at SB3C 2024